Leadership's Memories with Loni
Loni and Ken Hawes
Danese Christmas Tree Farm
West Virginia - 2019
Loni, Carmen and Ken Hawes
The Classic East Concert
New York City - 2017

Ken Hawes and Loni
Lewisburg, West Virginia
Father's Day 2021
Loni and Carmen (Loni's Mom)
Central Park, New York City
September 2010
Loni, Carmen and Ken Hawes
Christmas Day 2018

Loni and her Mom
The Greenbrier Resort
West Virginia
Mother's Day 2021
Loni horseback riding
New York - 2015
Photo by Jonathan Brumit
Jonathan Brumit and Loni
New York City - 2015

Jonathan Brumit (far right)
Speaking at Loni's
Celebration of Life Service
September 14, 2021

Loni climbing the ruins
Ireland - 2015
Photo by Calvin Barnes
Loni and Calvin Barnes
Ireland - 2015
Calvin Barnes and Loni
Sutton Lake in West Virginia
July 2021