meet our loni's

Hello, my name is Ahisha Marshall. I celebrate 22 years off drugs and have been alcohol free since 2017. I became a Christian 22 years ago, but felt it was OK to continue to drink until God showed me through Celebrate Recovery that He had other plans for me. He showed me that my drinking was holding me back from fulfilling His purpose for my life.
I am a registered nurse with a background in Geriatrics. In 2019, God began opening doors for me to start working toward becoming a Certified Addiction Registered Nurse. I then obtained my credentials for Recovery/Life Coach and became a Nurse Health Coach for other RN's who struggle with life challenges, drugs, and most recently, Covid.
In February 2022, I received the first "Nurse Health Coach of the Year" award in my community. There is so much God has revealed to me in my walk with Him. He has blessed me with the opportunity to use my life experience for His good purpose. I am now doing what I love more than anything, loving and helping others on how to live clean and sober. That is what I love about being a volunteer at Loni's Legacy, Inc.

Keep a look-out... additional volunteer photos and info are in process.